We all have a story. Keeping a baby resulting from an unintended pregnancy often creates turmoil and life changes direction. But here’s the thing: Most of all humanity came into the world unplanned. We have been sold and bought a story that we have control over life because of abortion rights.

My four stepchildren were born from an adopted baby who grew up to be their mom. Though she passed away from cancer, her greatest legacy are her children. I was born from a teenage mother. As I grew up, so did she. I was there 63 years later as she navigated the end of life. My dad’s gratitude for my life was never made clearer.

I know women who have had abortions, men who supported abortion, and grieve the decision. Many were young and told it was the only or best choice. Others who went to clinics past the viability date were not eligible. Babies were carried to full term, then given life because limits were set.

What these scenarios share is life wins. Tough choices, coupled with struggles and joy, were navigated and life was realized.

An untimely or challenging pregnancy at first may be a crisis for a woman who is alone. However, loving help is available in pregnancy centers across Maine. Making a call will open support and life-giving options. I support life.

Join me and stand for life and against this extreme legislation, L.D. 1619, that sets no limits on abortion.

Tammy Fereshetian


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