WATERVILLE — The Waterville Board of Education on Monday is scheduled to take a first vote on a proposed $30.27 million school budget for the 2023-24 academic year.

The budget represents a $1.8 million increase over the current $28.4 million budget, with the largest increase, $1.63 million, reflected in salaries and benefits.

Increases also are reflected in tuition reimbursement for teachers who pursue advanced degrees such as a master’s degree. Pam Trinward, chairwoman of the Board of Education, told the City Council on Tuesday that the proposed budget is bare bones.

The only new position in the budget is for a teacher of English-language learners, at a cost of about $125,000 for both salary and benefits. The school system has two such teachers now and Superintendent Eric Haley said three may not be enough as so many people fleeing other countries continue to arrive in the city.

Haley told the council Tuesday that the school system has just shy of 400 employees and about 83% of the total school budget is reflected in personnel salaries.

State aid to Waterville schools is a little more than $18 million and the schools are asking for the city to pitch in $10.6 million toward the budget total, Councilor Claude Francke said earlier this week.


“The state is really carrying a pretty substantial load of the budget,” he said.

The board takes a second, final vote on the budget after the council takes its final vote on the municipal budget in a few weeks.

Monday’s meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. in the media center at Waterville Senior High School.

In other matters, the board is scheduled to hear an update on the search for a new assistant superintendent. Assistant Superintendent Peter Hallen will become superintendent July 1 when Haley retires.

The board also is scheduled to recognize students named Science Olympiad gold medalists.

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