Cubs Scouts members in Winslow Pack 445 who helped on Earth Day are, from left, Lorelei Pullen and Freddie Pullen, both of Winslow; Easton Vigue and Colton Vigue, both of Albion; Simon Giroux, Elliot Giroux and Owen Clark, all of Winslow. Missing from the photo are Ashish Dabas of Winslow, Able Byroade of Albion, Ryder Johnston of Albion, Alex Parsons of Benton, Gavin McGowen of Benton, and Josh Collins of Waterville.

Cubs Scouts in Winslow Pack 445 spent Earth Day, April 22, picking up trash around town.

Sabrina Marie Garfield, leader for the Wolf Den, organized the project as a way of teaching the Cubs that they have a responsibility to make their community a little better than they found it.

The Wolf Den, made up of boys and girls in second grade, cleaned up litter from more than four miles in town, including around the elementary, middle and high school; Fort Halifax park; Norton Street Playground area; near the town hall; Halifax Street playground, monument and cemetery; the Crummet Street trail; and along Monument Street, according to a news release from Chuck Mahaleris, district chairman for the Kennebec Valley District of Scouting.

“We chose Green Up Day to help the earth and help keep animals safe,” said Cub Scout Freddie Garfield. “Trash affects the earth, and Earth affects nature, and the animals and people are animals too, so it affects all of us.”



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