Director Adam P. Blais, far left, gives feedback Thursday to actor Zack Lopez Roa, right, during a dress rehearsal for “The Story of My Life” at Cumston Hall. The musical kicks off the Theater at Monmouth’s six-week season on Saturday night.

Actors Christopher Blonski, left, and Zack Lopez Roa, perform a scene from “The Story of My Life” during a dress rehearsal Thursday at Cumston Hall in Monmouth. The musical is about memories of friendship between two men from a small town, as one seeks to write a eulogy after the other’s mysterious death.

Actors Christopher Blonski, left, and Zack Lopez Roa perform a scene from “The Story of My Life” during a dress rehearsal Thursday at Cumston Hall in Monmouth. The musical features only two characters and opens Saturday.

Adam P. Blais, director of “The Story of My Life,” watches a dress rehearsal of the musical Thursday at Cumston Hall in Monmouth. The show, put on by the Theater at Monmouth, runs from July 1 to Aug. 12.

Actors Christopher Blonski, left, and Zack Lopez Roa perform a scene from “The Story of My Life” during a dress rehearsal Thursday at Cumston Hall in Monmouth. The musical kicks off the Theater at Monmouth’s six-week season on Saturday night.
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