The homeless will suffer another Maine winter. I don’t understand why our fellow Americans are being left out in the cold. I sent the following letter to Gov. Mills on June 26, but no response to date. I’m sure she is busy, but winter is coming.
“Dear Gov. Mills: I write to you regarding the old AMHI building being used to house the homeless. I am 89 and my wife is 90 and we work at Fedcap in Augusta and love the work that we do with one exception: We are saddened when we bring a participant’s name up on our computer to see that they are homeless, and many of them have children. This is just heartbreaking and we feel so helpless.
“This also makes us feel guilty that we have a warm, comfortable bed to go to at night knowing these poor souls are outdoors. These people need shelter before another winter arrives. The old AMHI building could accommodate a large number of homeless, and those with children should have priority. There may be those who will find all the reasons why AMHI should not be used for this purpose. We’re hopeful you will find all the reasons why it should be.
“Our time on this earth is getting short but before we pass on we would rest better at night knowing that the homeless in this area have a roof over their head. We submit this letter on behalf of all the homeless in Maine therefore any expeditious action you may take will be greatly appreciated by all concerned. Respectfully.”
I can only pray for our homeless because it looks hopeless for them and their children.
Terrence Casey
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