On Nov. 7, I am voting for Chris Voynik for Augusta City Council. His well-rounded experience in business, politics, and real estate coupled with a genuine passion for Augusta’s well-being, sets him apart as a candidate who can drive positive change.

Throughout his professional career, Chris has consistently advocated for initiatives that enhance the quality of life in Augusta. His innovative ideas, sound judgment, and collaborative approach have proven that he is the right choice for Augusta’s future.

His commitment to transparency, accountability, and open communication is commendable. He has a proven track record of actively engaging with residents, listening to their concerns, and working to find practical solutions that benefit all members of our community.

I believe that Chris Voynik’s vision for Augusta aligns perfectly with the aspirations and needs of our diverse population. He is a candidate who will prioritize economic growth, sustainable development, and the well-being of our citizens.

As Augusta faces critical decisions in the coming years, it is imperative that we have leaders like Chris Voynik who are capable, dedicated, and deeply invested in our city’s future.


Julie Stolt


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