Daily Special Submitted photo
The Kennebec Valley Chordsmen Barbershop Chorus of Waterville plan to hold their Annual Show at 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 14, at St Marks Episcopal Church, 60 Eustis Parkway in Waterville.
This year the Chordsmen will perform songs from various eras of American music. The show also will include the featured quartet Daily Special, from southern New England and guest chorus Fairwinds from Mid-coast Maine.
The Chordsmen are under the direction of Ben Clark of Winslow. The chorus has been selected to participate in an intergenerational singing program under the auspices of the Schupf Center for the Arts’ First Friday program. Clark is working with a diverse group of singers on four pieces of music to be performed on the First Friday in October. This group may be joining the Chordsmen at the show as well.
The chorus consists of gentlemen whose ages reach from elementary school to the 80s and who amazingly find common ground in their love of music and singing together. A capella music in itself is unique with the sound not covered by instruments so the rich chords can be heard clearly and enjoyed.
Tickets cost $15 and are available from chorus members or at the door.
Call 207-437-9274 for more information.
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