Morton Brook Ranch owner Christian Jensen, right, tells people the plan of extending fencing across Wiscasset Road to help his herd of cattle and sheep cross Tuesday in Pittston. Wiscasset Road is also known as Route 27.

People stretch fencing across Wiscasset Road Tuesday in Pittston to guide the herd of cattle and sheep to a new pasture.

After people stretched a temporary fence across the closed section of Wiscasset Road Tuesday, Morton Brook Ranch owner Christian Jensen lets the herd cross. Two Kennebec County Sheriff’s deputies stopped traffic for a couple of minutes so the herd could safely move from one side to the other.

People hold up fencing as 11 head of cattle and about 45 sheep cross from the east to the west side of Wiscasset Road Tuesday in Pittston. Farmer Christian Jensen said that about a month ago he had moved the animals from his family’s nearby Morton Brook Ranch to several hayfields near First Congregational Church. Jensen said he moved the animals to a different half-acre, fenced-off section each day to give them fresh grass to eat. His family has been farming in Pittston since they moved there in 2020.

Rich Potter, left, and Jeff Hanley connect the end of the fence that crossed Wiscasset Road with the fencing for a pasture on Hanley’s land Tuesday in Pittston.

A cow waits to cross into a new pasture Tuesday on Wiscasset Road in Pittston.

Morton Brook Ranch owner Christian Jensen, right, tells a pair of sheep not to turn back to their old pasture Tuesday after the herd had crossed Wiscasset Road in Pittston.


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