We, as a nation and as a world, seem hell bent on destroying ourselves and our planet.

Whether through wars, climate change, destruction of environment or mass shootings there always seems to be some justification to inflame rather than solve the problems.

To address all of our conflicts is a tome we have all read, yet we seem stymied to effect change. We cling to our confirmation biases to justify our steadfast positions, regardless of facts. In this case, it’s a fact that AR-15 and others like it are weapons of war, not hunting, not protection.

After this last horrific mass shooting in Lewiston, I applaud Rep. Golden for having the strength of his convictions to reconsider his opposition to the banning of assault weapons.

Isn’t that what our legislators should do, consider what is best for our community, not the lobbyists, the zealots, the NRA? And if it takes a jolt to our perceived sense of security and immunity to such realities then all the more reason. I mourn those lost and those who will forever be affected, and that includes all of us who are part of the solution.

I drove to work this past week passing the local gun shop, dismayed but not surprised to find the parking lot more full than days past. It’s like the rush to gather supplies before a storm. But this supply is one of human carnage.


I listened to a caller on a radio show attempt to hold harmless the AR-15, blaming the person, the illness. But, like the drugs that kill, the gun would be ineffective if unavailable.

I try to remain hopeful, but can only gain hope through the actions of people who can recognize the solutions without clinging to mob rule.


Olivia Atherton


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