Residents of Chelsea and neighboring towns are invited to attend a special Valentine’s session of Age-Friendly Chelsea’s free monthly informational luncheons.
The event is set for 11 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 15, at the Chelsea Grange, 230 Togus Road.
This luncheon will be the same format that community members are familiar with from previous events, but with an added emphasis on creating a welcoming and accessible environment for people living with dementia. The place settings, decorations and menu have been designed to create a safe and comfortable sensory experience for all, according to a news release from Sonya Bates with Age-Friendly Chelsea.
Age-Friendly Chelsea’s luncheons have been a community staple every third Thursday of the month since 2021. This event provides time for socializing with friends and neighbors, a home-cooked meal, and hearing brief talks on various topics. Every few months a chapter from the “Pathways to Well-Being with Dementia” is covered. February’s topic will be Emotional, Psychological, and Functional Health presented by Chelsea resident and Age-Friendly committee Chair Wilma Ware.
February’s luncheon is being held in partnership with UMaine’s Lifelong Fellows Program. This event is one way that Lifelong Maine is striving to support communities around the state interested in improving public awareness and inclusion for people living with dementia.
Social exclusion is a common experience for people living with dementia and their families. Communities can lessen this impact by increasing public knowledge and reducing stigma and stereotyping. Dementia-inclusive communities help people living with dementia to enjoy social connections and experience the best possible quality of life. All community members benefit from these more user-friendly environments.
Space for the event is limited. Those who wish to attend are asked to RSVP by Monday, Feb. 12. Call or leave a message at the Chelsea Town Office at 207-582-4802 or email Dot Grady at
To learn more about the luncheons or Age-Friendly Chelsea, visit or visit the Age-Friendly Chelsea Facebook page.
To Learn more about Age-Friendly Maine or Dementia Inclusive Programs, visit
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