Kennebec County residents impacted by the Dec. 18 storm can get information and assistance at a disaster recovery center now open in Manchester. Above, people move items out of Harvey’s Hardware store Dec. 19 as Maine Avenue in Gardiner floods from the previous day’s storm. Anna Chadwick/Morning Sentinel file
MANCHESTER — Kennebec County residents with individual damage claims stemming from the Dec. 18 storm can seek help at the disaster recovery center that opened this week at the Manchester Fire Station.

The temporary facility, which will be open through March 4, is offering help to Kennebec County residents who are seeking information from state agencies, the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the U.S. Small Business Administration as they recover from the powerful storm that brought historic flooding and widespread power outages to central Maine.
“The best way to see if you’re covered is to apply,” said Sean Goodwin, interim director of the Kennebec County Emergency Management Agency.
County residents who are eligible for individual assistance can apply for help with temporary housing assistance, lodging expense help, home repair or replacement, damage to essential vehicles, moving and storage help, some costs not covered by insurance and other necessary expenses related to the Dec. 18 storm.
Federal recovery loans with low interest rates may also be available.
Staff will be on hand to help residents start the application process or provide updates on their cases. They will also be on hand to help with uploading documents needed for cases to be processed.
The recovery centers are accessible to people with disabilities.
The Manchester Fire Station is located at 37 Readfield Road.
A second location for Kennebec County’s disaster recovery center is expected to be announced next week.
Kennebec County residents are not required to visit the center; they may also call 800-621-3362 or apply online at disasterassistance.gov for information or to start the process.
Recovery centers have also been opened in the Roberts Learning Center at the University of Maine at Farmington, the Rumford Municipal Building, the Somerset County Emergency Operations Center in Skowhegan and the Lewiston Armory.
All centers are open daily from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Starting Monday, all centers will be open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday. They will be closed on Sundays.
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