During the weekend of Feb. 16-18, houses of worship across Maine celebrated Maine Gun Safety Sabbath, praying together for an end to the gun violence that has plagued our state and nation. This coming together of different faith groups was truly inspiring.

Prayers alone, however, are not enough. It is now time for action. Specifically, the Maine Legislature needs to take real action this legislative session to address the problem by: 1) Banning assault style weapons like the one used in the Lewiston mass shooting; 2) Expanding background checks to include gun show and private sales; 3) Enhancing Maine’s current yellow flag law to address the cracks that were exposed by the Lewiston tragedy; and 4) Providing for a 72-hour waiting period to complete a gun purchase.

By taking such common sense actions, the Legislature can help turn our prayers for a safer Maine into reality without interfering with Mainer’s rights to hunt or to possess guns for personal safety.

Chuck Cohen

Temple Beth El, Social Justice Committee

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