CHESTERVILLE — At annual town meeting Monday night, March 18, voters will be asked to approve a budget lower than this year while choosing from different proposals for some articles.

Starting at 7 p.m., the meeting will be held at the Dave Archer Town Hall, 409 Dutch Gap Road. For several departments and accounts, the Select Board and Budget Committee are recommending different numbers this year.

Voters approved a budget last year of almost $1.614 million that did not include county and education taxes, Anne Lambert, vice chair of the Select Board said Friday evening, March 8. If all higher amounts are approved, this year’s budget would be almost $1.579 million without county and education taxes, she noted.

The decrease from last year would be $34,822.53 or about 2.2% lower.

“If all the higher amounts are approved, we will still be under the LD 1 tax levy limit,” Lambert said. “It is what we strive for.”

The biggest difference in proposed amounts, $30,236 is for Public Works. Chair John Archer said Monday night the Budget Committee allowed for raises and associated costs for some departments, the Select Board didn’t.


Different amounts for a new Jaws of Life extrication tool were also recommended: Budget Committee $15,000 and Select Board $30,000. Archer said a Stephen King grant has been applied for, had hoped word came on it before town meeting, he hadn’t heard anything. The Budget Committee was looking at a tool that was a little bit cheaper, he noted.

Article 24 seeks authorization to apply for and expend a Congressionally Directed Spending grant for the purpose of purchasing a new fully equipped fire truck to replace Engine 1. In addition, $50,000 would be taken from the Fire Department Reserve Account and a loan of not more than $25,000 taken out.

Archer said it depends on the grant. “You can’t put in for it unless the town commits,” he stated. “The grant is not guaranteed.”

The new truck would come fully furbished, cost a bit more than $1 million, he noted. “There is nothing wrong with Engine 1,” he said. “Newer trucks you can set them up at a site and leave them. Older trucks don’t have that capability, which is a problem for shorthanded departments.”

Article 31 asks to appropriate 75% of all FEMA reimbursement monies from storms, received in the calendar year 2024, to the Capital Roads Account and the remaining 25% to the Public Works Department Road Maintenance budget.

Clayton Tibbetts, road foreman had requested some of that money, Lambert said. He wanted to use the money for gravel, she noted.

Voters will also be asked to fund two new and four other third party requests. Behavioral Health and Safe Voices are new, $100 is sought by each. The 30 Mile Water Shed, Clearwater Food Pantry, North Chesterville Homemakers Association and Life Flight are seeking $500 each. The latter four were approved $500 each last year, Lambert said.

Municipal elections take place Friday, March 15. The remaining 42 articles on the town meeting warrant will be taken up March 18.

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