Receiving the Ray “Papa Bear” Kimball Award of Service, from left, are Karla Talpey and Alan Duplessis, both of Jackman; Sherwood Hilt of Union, and John Wood of Hope.  Submitted photo

Scouters John Wood, Alan Duplessis, Sherwood Hilt, and Karla Talpey received the Ray “Papa Bear” Kimball Award of Service at the Kennebec Valley District Annual Scouting Recognition Dinner, held March 24 at the Winslow Parks & Recreation Department Hall.

Talpey and Duplessis are both active in Jackman Troop 497 and are members of the Kennebec Valley District committee. Hilt of Union and Wood of Hope have been active as district members of both Kennebec Valley District and the former Downeast Districts of Scouting. Wood provides commissioner service to more Scouting units than any other volunteer in the district.

It is the highest award that an adult leader, committee member or adult volunteer can be nominated for within a unit. The award consideration should be given based on outstanding service to youth within a unit above and beyond that of what is required of an adult. Also, his or her ability to exemplify the Scout Oath and Law. The award is given to those who work in support of Scouting without seeking anything for themselves, according to a news release from Chuck Mahaleris, district chairman for the Kennebec Valley District of Scouting.

Kimball, who died in 2007, was a longtime Scoutmaster of Troop 443 Winslow. He also was highly involved in Kennebec Valley District of Scouting as a district volunteer and a Unit Commissioner, and spent his summers performing the duty of Camp Commissioner for Camp Bomazeen in Belgrade.


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