As we watch the decline of mutual respect in the Divided States of America, it is about time we identify the root cause of this disorder. And oh, by the way … it’s not the government’s fault!

For several generations, the enforcement of rules by parents have been in the same decline. The sparse rules that parents defined for their young children were tested throughout their childhood and most parents buckled under the tears. The disrespect for rules continued through the teenage years and now the belief that following rules is for losers. Speed limits are exceeded by most drivers.

This belief that “rules don’t apply to me” gets young people on a slippery slope into criminal behavior. Most of the people who die from fentanyl are buying the drug illegally. Their purchase of illegal drugs are financing drug cartels and street gangs. It is no wonder that police are changing careers due to the disrespect for the law not only from criminals, but from courts and lenient laws that allow criminals to continue their behavior.

Having “no rules ” leads to division and also a separation of basic beliefs in facts. Here’s a rule: There are no alternative facts. Only the facts should be accepted!

We the people have to apply critical thinking to the “news feed” that we receive from algorithms that are designed to reinforce our beliefs at a time when we need more challenge and checking of information. The answer to a threat from artificial intelligence is human intelligence.

Tom Turner


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