Dorothy S. Fowler

AUGUSTA – With a spirit as bright as a summer’s day and a heart as vast as the ocean, Dorothy S. Fowler, fondly known as “Dotti” and “Brandy” by loved ones, passed away on May 21, 2024. Born in Thorndike on April 25, 1964, Dorothy’s life was a radiant tapestry of love, courage, and unwavering support for those she held dear. In the words of Maya Angelou, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Dorothy embodied this sentiment, and her memory will forever be a beacon of compassion and love.

Dorothy spent her life embracing the world around her. Her journey took her to various places, including Brandon, Fla., Homosassa, Fla., Unity, and finally Augusta. She was a veteran real estate agent for over 20 years, a career she pursued with passion and dedication. Yet, her zest for life extended beyond her professional achievements. She found joy in the simple pleasures of life, like reading a good book, cheering for her favorite football teams, the Buffalo Bills and Florida Gators, and sharing a laugh over a good movie.

Above all else, Dorothy was a beacon of love and support in her family’s life. She was a loving mother to her sons, Dylan Southward and Jason Stanton, and a doting grandmother to her granddaughter, Harper Southward. Her unwavering support and radiant love will forever be remembered by her daughter-in-law, Zoraya Southward, her brothers, Jeff and Dickie Henry, and her sister, Cynthia Henry. She was a courageous woman who faced life’s challenges with strength and grace, encapsulating the words of Mother Teresa, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”

Dorothy was preceded in death by her beloved parents, Richard Henry and Mary Sprague.

As we bid farewell to our compassionate, loving, supportive, and courageous Dorothy, we remember her not with sorrow, but with gratitude for the love and joy she brought into our lives. We celebrate her life and hold her memory close to our hearts.

We welcome all who knew and loved Dorothy to share their memories and upload photos on her memorial page. These shared stories and images will be a testament to Dorothy’s vibrant life and the profound impact she had on those around her.

Arrangements are in the care of the Knowlton and Hewins Funeral Home, 1 Church St., Augusta where condolences and memories may be shared with the family on the obituary page of the funeral home website by visiting

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