Bruce White, running for reelection in Waterville in a contested race, has voted consistently to limit women’s reproductive health rights. He argues using Christian pro-life language referring to “the rights of the preborn” and the “scientific” argument that life begins with a single cell.

Of course cells are life. There is life in pond water. But human life is more difficult to define even among religious ideologies. Christianity says life begins at conception. Judaism says life begins at first breath. Others say life begins at viability outside the womb.

Religion is the most deeply personal choice we make. Basing law on a specific moral or religious code is contradictory to the core ideal of personal freedom and autonomy.

There is an alternative candidate. Cassie Julia supports a woman’s right to have autonomy over her health care choices. That is the vital reason to come out to vote on June 11.

Jo Trafford


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