Social media accounts: facebook.com/ShagouryfortheHouse; danshagoury.com
Occupation: Retired state employee
Education: Colby College, B.A.; studied foreign affairs at George Washington University
Community Organizations: Board member, Hubbard Free Library, Hallowell
Personal information (hobbies, etc.): Old cars, amateur historian
Family status: Married
Years in the Legislature: Two
Committee assignments (if elected): Health and Human Services
1) Define what “success” would look like if you are elected to serve your district.
Increasing access to affordable, quality health care; increasing the supply of affordable housing; lowering greenhouse gas emissions; improving benefits for Maine’s retirees; increasing state support for municipalities
2) Name one issue the Legislature handled last session. Explain why you agree or disagree with the final outcome.
Increasing access to the Medicare Savings Program and Low Cost Drug Program. This will lower health care costs for many older Mainers, and it passed despite opposition from the administration. A bipartisan effort kept it in the budget.
OPPONENT: Joe Boyd, R-West Gardiner
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