Social media accounts: Facebook @Bradstreet For Senate

Occupation: Semi-Retired; Part-Time Association Executive Director

Education: Dartmouth College, 1973

Community Organizations: Former SAD 49 School Board; Chair, Vassalboro Budget Committee; Faith Church, Waterville, former Elder Board and Finance Team Member

Personal information (hobbies, etc.): Travel, reading, recreational sports

Family status: Married to JoAnne, three adult children, seven grandchildren


Years in the Legislature: 2017-present, Maine House

Committee assignments (if elected): Labor & Housing, Select Committee on Housing


1) Define what “success” would look like if you are elected to serve your district.

It would be in creating a culture where Maine can attract businesses providing well-paying jobs, increasing our workforce, encouraging young people to stay in Maine, curbing legislative initiatives that drive up energy costs which create poverty, allowing Mainers to keep more of their hard-earned money, removing impediments to housing creation, and ensuring that veterans and senior citizens are not overlooked.

2) Name one issue the Legislature handled last session. Explain why you agree or disagree with the final outcome.

There was a proposal that would have reduced Mainer’s energy costs by curtailing overly generous financial largesse to renewable energy projects. These high energy costs work their way into virtually everything that Mainers need, which is a major reason high prices are placing such a stress on so many people’s budgets. The majority party voted the proposal down, despite the objections of the Public Advocate. The result is that we’re paying more for just about everything. This is not the only reason that inflation is hurting so many of us, but it definitely contributes to it, and it didn’t have to be that way.

OPPONENT: Raegan LaRochelle, D-Augusta

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