In response to Ray Vensel’s column, “What Project 2025 could mean for you” (Oct. 5), may I offer the following in reply to his critique of Project 2025.

He listed three particular areas of concern in his comments. First: Women’s rights, which of course translates into a woman’s right to abortion, the right to legally kill her baby. For those of us who follow a Judeo-Christian code, this destruction of innocent human life is morally reprehensible and should never be the law. But “Project 2025” itself calls for the government to comply only with those laws that prevent federal funding of abortion. So don’t play fast and loose with your narration, Mr. Vensel.

Second: LGBT etc. rights: When feelings replace reality, logic dies — because transgender ideology contradicts basic biology and science. Confused young people may suffer irreversible changes and mutilation. Yet there are some school board policies that support this movement and parents are generally left out of the loop. “Project 2025” is not the culprit here!

Third: Public schools: On this third count, Mr. Vensel is absolutely correct in stating that “Project 2025” plans to close the Dept. of Education — not a bad idea. Since this department was created, educational outcomes have not improved, and the American school system has increasingly fallen behind other countries. Test scores are dangerously low. Control must go back to state and local governments.

So, according to “Freedom From Religion Foundation,” everyone has a right to worship. However, this right seems only applicable if one’s beliefs are not too specific (you know, more generic and changeable). Perhaps, a safer axiom would be to follow the Ten Commandments. What a kinder, more peaceful country this would be. What a radical concept!

Pat Truman


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