As a small-business owner, I know how exciting — and challenging — it can be to start up and keep your dream alive.

That’s why I am enthusiastically voting for Wayne Farrin as Maine’s representative for House District 47 (Alna, Jefferson, Whitefield, and Wiscasset).

Having spoken to him personally about the importance of our local businesses, our small town main streets, and our incredible community here in Maine, I am confident that Wayne is the candidate who will best support our business owners and local economy.

Wayne’s policy proposals are smart and practical. As a business owner himself, he deeply understands what’s working as well as what’s needed. And he truly cares about lifting up and supporting all folks in our community.

No matter your political party, I hope you join me in investing in Maine’s vibrant businesses and communities by voting for Wayne Farrin in November.

Lucy Flores


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