A belated but sincere “Thank you” to everyone involved in this year’s elections:

To our fellow voters who turned out in high, sometimes record numbers to fulfill their responsibilities as citizens in a democracy, especially those who voted for the first time.

To the city and town clerks and their staffs for handling unprecedented numbers of ballots and new voter registrations.

To the poll workers (paid and volunteer) who kept things moving as best they could despite high voter turnout levels, even in the face of threats and intimidation in some places.

To the precinct wardens whose dedication and vigilance assured voting procedures and laws were properly followed.

To the volunteers who helped count votes in communities without voting machines.


To the staffs and volunteers who quickly rid our roadsides of campaign signs following election day.

And especially to the city of Augusta Parks and Recreation Department, operators of Augusta’s Ward 1 polling location, who made sure a wheelchair was readily available for use by anyone and everyone who cared to use it, making it much easier for voters with mobility challenges to reach the polling location in the gymnasium.

Regardless of how you feel about the overly contentious environment prior to election day or the results after it, the truly important take-away from this year’s election is that, thanks to the efforts of those listed above, the democratic process survives and continues to work as our founding fathers intended.

John and Elaine Stanley


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