Bethany Laflin, left, and Stephen Huffer, both homeless, sit with Laflin’s dog Morgan, a 9-year-old Labrador-pit bull mix, while waiting to share a meal with a friend Wednesday during the Christmas Community Dinner at South Parish Congregational Church in Augusta. Organizers say about 500 bagged to-go meals were served during the event.

Jacob Raymond, a homeless person living in Augusta, eats Wednesday during the Christmas Community Dinner at South Parish Congregational Church in Augusta. Organizers say about 500 to-go meals were served during the event.

Sarah Praul ladles gravy over a turkey meal while working with volunteers during the Christmas Community Dinner at South Parish Congregational Church in Augusta. Organizers say about 500 to-go meals were served during the event.

Volunteer Betty St. Hilaire, center, hands a turkey dinner to Steven Flannery on Wednesday during the Christmas Community Dinner at South Parish Congregational Church in Augusta. Flannery says he is homeless. Darryl Praul, also a volunteer, is seen in the doorway. Organizers say about 500 bagged to-go meals were served to go during the event.

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