Joshua Zhang Yuegang Zhang photo

The Midcoast Symphony Orchestra plans to continue its 35th season with a family-friendly program that celebrates and encourages youth involvement in the arts.

Audiences will have two opportunities to attend the programing with a concert at 7 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 18, at the Franco Center, 46 Cedar St., Lewiston, and at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 19, at the Orion Performing Arts Center, 66 Republic Ave. in Topsham.

Artwork created by students from Connors Elementary in Lewiston, Bowdoinham Community School, Brunswick Junior High, Mt. Ararat Middle School, and the Portland Arts and Technology High School will be shown during several of the pieces.

Noah Smith Robin Smith photo

Student musicians also will be perform at both concerts. Colby College student and winner of the biennial Judith Elser Concerto Competition, Joshua Zhang, plan to join the orchestra for the first movement of Tomasi’s Trombone Concerto. The Jan. 18 concert will also feature student clarinet player Noah Smith performing during intermission in Heritage Hall.

Each concert will be preceded by the “Meet the Instruments” event. Audience members of all ages will have the opportunity to meet with orchestra members to learn more about — and try for themselves — instruments featured in the symphony’s performance.

For more information contact Michael Levine, Executive Director, Midcoast Symphony Orchestra, at or 207-315-1712 or visit




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