Last Tuesday, Jan. 21, the day after Donald J. Trump’s inauguration, the Kennebec Journal ran a banner headline reading “A Return to Power” on Page 1. Beneath the large headline was a huge photo of Trump being sworn in as the 47th president of the United States by Chief Justice John Roberts.

They call it the oath of office when a newly elected president puts his left hand on the Bible and raises his right hand to solemnly promise to preserve, protect and defend the U.S. Constitution. All fine and dandy.

Except, as the picture clearly shows, Trump ignored first lady Melania Trump, who was dutifully standing next to him holding a large Bible and another book, waiting for him to swear on the Bible. Trump holds his left hand down at his side and he seems oblivious to Melania and the Bible. Regardless of the religious implications of this oversight, Trump flouted tradition.

As far as I know, all the previous presidents have placed their hand on the Bible when they’re being sworn in. Not only does Trump think he is above the law, he also apparently thinks he is above God and His word too.

John Hale

North Monmouth

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