RANGELEY — The Rangeley Pond Hockey Festival returns to Haley Pond Friday, Feb. 7 through Sunday, Feb. 9. In its 18th year, the festival-style tournament draws hockey teams, individual players and spectators from Maine, New England and beyond.

A captain’s meeting and traditional team gathering kicks off the weekend on Friday, Feb. 7. The real action starts the following morning when pucks drop for tournament play. With 10 rinks spaced across the pond’s surface, multiple games are played simultaneously throughout the day. Games on Saturday, Feb. 8 run from 9 a.m to 4 p.m. Teams at the top of their brackets will play quarterfinals, semifinals and championship games starting at 9 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 9.

There will be plenty of ice-related activities for spectators and attendees. Live music is scheduled, cornhole boards will be set up, and the public skating rink will be available. The tournament is the biggest fundraiser for the Rangeley Skating Club.

Rangeley Pond Hockey Festival 2019. File photo by Stephanie Chu-O’Neil

The hockey tournament is broken into five divisions: Men’s 21-34; Men’s Under 50 and a Men’s Over 50; Co-Ed; and Women’s.

“The Over 50 division has not had any interest in the last couple of years. This year, we have two teams signed up. That is pretty exciting,” Alyssa Carignan of Saco said.

Carignan is one of the tournament organizers. While she is not a hockey player, she has been part of the organization team for the last seven years or so.


The roster included 26 teams as of Jan. 21. Eleven of those teams will travel to Rangeley in February for the first time.

“As registrations come in, it has been exciting to see teams that have not been here before,” Carignan said.

Traveling the greatest distance is a returning team from Florida.

“They are a great group. They are not competitive at all. They come up, they hang out, they have a great time. If they win or they lose, they don’t care. They are just here to have a good time. It’s super fun to watch them,” Carignan said.

Preparing the ice and creating the rinks began in mid-January. First, layers of snow are removed from the ice. Then the surface is flooded to create a smooth, crisp surface. Finally, snow is moved back to create banks around each of the rinks.

The tournament has struggled with weather the last few years but, given the conditions two weeks out, organizers are hopeful for a fantastic year, Carignan said.


“We have not had the best time the last couple years. Obviously, we canceled the tournament in 2021 during COVID. The year after was the most ridiculously warm winter and Haley Pond didn’t freeze in time.”

In 2023, the weather took a 180-degree turn and was bitter cold.

“We asked team captains what they wanted to do and they wanted to play shorter games. We pushed everything back to 1 p.m. and scheduled 10 minute games.

When it came time to play that afternoon, the Real-feel temperature checked in at -26 degrees Fahrenheit.

“We asked if they still wanted to play or if they wanted us to shut it down. They were here and they wanted to play. So, they played those 10 minute games and had a great time,” she added.

In 2024, the weather once again refused to cooperate.


“The morning was 32 degrees, sunny and wonderful. At 10:30 a.m. a random rainstorm hit. When the sun came back out, it was 40 degrees and all the ice turned to slush. We played games until noon and the rest of the weekend was a wash. This year we are ready for a very good year.”

Carignan noted part of the reason for the influx of new teams is that other tournaments throughout New England are shutting down.

“It’s nice to be able to consistently have an event, even though the ice sometimes does not cooperate. Even last year, the teams stayed and had a great time. The group that we have is always fantastic. They are just here to have fun and that is really what keeps this afloat,” she said.

Teams can still sign up even though the schedule is being finalized.

“I will never say no, I will just work them into the schedule,” Carignan said.

For more information, visit the Rangeley Pond Hockey Facebook page or website.  Organizers can also be reached via email at alyssa.rangeleypondhockey@gmail.com or rangeleypondhockey@gmail.com, or by calling (207)590-6886 or (805)722-9172.

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