An early 20th century postcard of Crystal Spring Farm in Brunswick. The farm and land — 321 acres —was acquired by the Brunswick Topsham Land Trust in stages starting in the mid-1990s. It is trust’s largest owned property. Submitted photo

BRUNSWICK — To begin its yearlong programming under the heading “The Land and its People,” Pejepscot History Center is convening a panel of regional experts on the history and present status of land conservation in its region.

The event is set for Thursday, Feb. 13, in the community space operated by Dutchman’s in Fort Andross, 14 Maine St. Festivities begin at 5:30 p.m. with a reception, followed by a short annual meeting and announcement of the 2024 Richard O. Thompson Volunteer Award honoree. The panel begins at approximately 6:30 p.m.

“This year we’ll be looking at a wide range of issues having to do with human interaction with the land,” center Executive Director Larissa Picard said in a news release she sent. “What has impacted our relationship with the woods and waters in our area? How have changes in society altered the landscape and vice versa? Addressing the balance between conservation and development is one of the keys to begin tackling those questions.”

Moderated by Angela Twitchell, senior director of The Land Trust Program for Maine Coast Heritage Trust and former executive director of the Brunswick Topsham Land Trust, the panel focuses on changing ideas about land conservation locally, within Maine, and on a national stage, and the opportunities and challenges in its region today.

Panelists include Kate Dempsey, state director of The Nature Conservancy in Maine; Matt Klingle, associate professor of history and environmental studies and director of the Environmental Studies Program at Bowdoin College; Matt Newberg, executive director, Harpswell Heritage Land Trust; and Steve Walker, executive director, Brunswick Topsham Land Trust.

Registration is required, tickets cost $25 or $15 for center members.

For tickets or more information visit or call the center office at 207-729-6606.


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