This week we have Jon M. Chu’s “Crazy Rich Asians,” taken from Kevin Kwan’s novel, on our local screens. Together they have concocted an Asian soap opera, and “humble peasant girl falls in love with prince” fairy tale. Your choice.

What this reviewer saw is an extra-large, expensively produced cinematic piñata, full of multicolored balloons and loud music. It’s a ballet of banality, designed to make you feel better for a couple of hours in these troubled times.

Here’s the scenario: A brilliant, young NYU economics professor, (aren’t they all?) Rachel Chu (Constance Wu “Fresh Off the Boat”) agrees to travel with her boyfriend, Nick, (Henry Golding “A Simple Favor”) to attend the destination wedding of his best friend in super rich Singapore.

Chu’s Singapore is a candy bowl of beautiful Asians — Koreans, Chinese, Maylasians, Eurasians — many of whom have never been to their ancestral homeland, and where every one is happy. For balance, Chu gives us three Europeans who are bumbling, patronizing, old white guys.

Glamor couple Rachel and Nick are, of course, bright and pretty, stylish and well dressed, but both completely in the dark about one another’s backgrounds.

Rachel, we’ll discover, for reasons to be disclosed, has invented parts of her backstory, and Nick is hiding his. That will all come out in the candle lit, orchid strewn musical finale, complete with chorus.


Why Nick has failed to disclose to his beloved that he is the son of Singapore’s and maybe, the world’s, richest Chinese family, is a mystery. He is presented to us as an Asian George Clooney bachelor from Singapore, where women from 17 to 38 await his arrival home.

But as bacchanal after bacchanal reveals, there seems to be in this island paradise, a Nick for every Nora in town.

Rachel, neither crazy nor rich, is no dummy. She’s a totally hip Manhattanite city girl with an impressive education and great job who, in real life, would have dragged Nick’s past out of him on the second date. The pillow talk alone would have told her all she needed to know. But of course, this is not real life. It’s a fairy tale.

I’m happy to warn you that Mr. Chu’s “Crazy” is a flat out wealth-porn flick, with extra sauce that gives us one jolting candy color splashed orgy of cash after another, and without nary a redeeming quality in sight.

By the end of this bubbly orgy, you may feel like you’ve had six cones of cotton candy, five boxes of Junior Mints and 10 large Cokes.

Rachel finally meets Nick’s widowed mother (Michelle Yeoh) who sports an emerald ring the size of a motel pool. She too, is beautiful and rich.


Yeoh, who was so good in Ang Lee’s “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,” is reduced here to playing a full out cartoon dragon lady mama,who sees our Rachel as an interloper out to take her boy away from her. Sad.

Is there a happy ending for this tropical fairy tale? The usher who woke me up told me there was.

Ultimately, “Crazy Rich Asians” is Stereotype City, with characters both ugly and comic, and an insult to hard working everyday Asians everywhere. Walk down the aisle to “Christopher Robin,” now playing.

J.P. Devine, of Waterville, is a former stage and film actor.

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