I voted for Paul LePage because he said he was going to support working-class Maine people. I also voted for him because he said he was not going to raise taxes. I don’t need any more taxes. My property taxes have gone up $300 in the last three years. So much for no tax hikes. So much for being honest with voters.

My school district’s budget will raise my taxes another $100 or more and that doesn’t include any increases to the town taxes or include increases coming from the proposed LePage budget.

The LePage budget proposal was an assault on Maine taxpayers. The LePage budget was an assault on property tax payers. LePage says he will not raise taxes but what he means is he will raise taxes as he chooses. Is anyone in Augusta really concerned that people cannot afford anymore property taxes? Do legislators make so much money that they won’t feel the increases as working-class people will?

I find LePage cold and indifferent to any ideas but his own. I find legislators have a lack of will to provide for the best interests of the people of Maine and Maine communities.

I find school budgets pernicious in their drive to take in ever more money and to hold taxpayer money in reserve. What money do taxpayers have in reserve to cope with these continued property tax increases?

I find a wage earned in Maine (which is not high to begin with) is ever decreasing in value. I see the governor using the people of Maine to fund a bloated state government that he said he would get under control.

Is anyone in Augusta listening?

Linda Kelman Buckley

West Gardiner

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