We should contact all of our congressional team — Angus King, Susan Collins, Mike Michaud and Chellie Pingree — and urge them to work on behalf of more effective gun control laws for our entire country.

Laws should include the banning of the sale of assault, military-type weapons to ordinary citizens and the extended clips and background checks for all sales, including those at gun shows.

This legislation will have no adverse effects for sportsmen or other law-abiding gun enthusiasts.

Gun deaths are now the third leading cause of death among children. Doctors speak out for the need to protect our children from guns, as doctors do about obesity, seat belts, smoking and helmets.

Since the Newtown, Conn., shootings, many people have asked “Why does this type of horror have to happen?”

It’s simple. Mental health problems mixed with weapons can equal tragedy.


It is long past time to stop asking “why?” and start saying “no” to weapons that can kill 20 children in seconds.

As many wise people have said since Newtown, we cannot eradicate all gun violence, but we can surely reduce the number of wholesale massacres on innocent victims.

And people need to speak up if they know someone who is isolated, troubled and has access to weapons. They might lose a friend, but they could possibly save lives.

Margaret Lane


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