Total budget: $826,002

Major spending items:  $149,096 from taxes and $20,000 from surplus to fund winter road maintenance, including three contracts, salt and sand purchases and stockpiling and snow removal; $135,937 for town officials and employee payroll; $100,000 for payments of goods and services for town-owned roads in the Paving and Reconstruction Road Reserve Account; $64,831.26 from taxes and $17,200 from the Road Block Grant for the seventh of eight bond principle and interest payments for road reconstruction/paving; $47,600 for the Fire Department Operations Account and $12,335 for fire department payroll and expenses; $57,000 for waste management disposal service in Norridgewock; $25,000 from taxes and $10,000 from surplus for general repairs to roads and bridges; $30,000 to buy land from Judy McLeod to extend the Gould Cemetery.

Local races: Re-elected were Richard A. Moore as first selectman, Molly Chapman as second selectman and Justin Furbush as third selectman; Linda French as town clerk, Joni M. Gould as treasurer and tax collector; Andy Marble as plumbing inspector and code enforcement officer; Robert Crosby as animal control officer; Christine LaBlanc as deputy animal control officer; Jack Easler as fire chief; Louie Batista as deputy fire chief; David Kincaid as road commissioner; Erik Rasmussen and Harold Buzzell as members of the Planning Board; Melvin Croft as a member of the Appeals Board and Robert Jones and Gerald Tipper as members of the Budget Committee. Justin Furbush was elected as sexton after running unopposed for the vacant position.

Special items: Voters approved changes to the criteria and standards of the commercial/industrial site review ordinance, which includes regulations on traffic access, building orientation and placement, landscape, air quality, glare, public utilities, stormwater management, erosion control and noise associated with a proposed development. Sen. Bradlee Farrin, R-Somerset, brought a certificate of recognition from the Legislature to acknowledge the volunteer work of the East Pond Association.

Number of people in attendance: Attending Town Meeting: 34. Voting in municipal elections: 51.


Compiled by Morning Sentinel staff writer Meg Robbins


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