Reading Sen. Bill Diamond’s Maine Compass article (“Protecting Maine kids,” May 9) and listening to news discussion of recent (and past) shootings, I find myself almost agreeing with the suggestion of another commission to make an in-depth review of these problems.

My reticence comes from 45 years of watching one commission or study group after another making recommendations that barely survived the duration of the commission. Political will seldom survives between legislative session. Additionally, almost none had the resources necessary to a truly in-depth and objective review.

Most instances of mass shootings and these recent child welfare deaths occurred because various systems that were supposed to identify children didn’t do their job. I am not offering details because it would fall on deaf ears.

That is unfortunate because an informed community is the key to a different outcome. A close look at European nations would show what a different cultural attitude can do. They have child and family support system that work because they are integrated in the culture. They do more than give lip service to the value of children.

I wish I knew what would convince us to seriously examine our culture and its role in perpetuating these problems. Were we able to do so we might come to a resolve that would result in long-term change.


Dean Crocker
Estero, Florida, and Manchester, Maine

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