Conservatives make much of Mitt Romney’s business successes.

Let’s look at those successes.

Romney was called to manage the already secured winter Olympics. The Olympics have no competitors, and all Utah passionately wanted successful games.

Romney was provided unlimited help, money and no competition. Under those conditions, a kangaroo would have succeeded.

Bain is a vulture — not venture — capital company. Instead of advancing new companies and technologies, Bain stacks the deck chairs on struggling companies while taking all the lifeboats for itself.

It makes fortunes dismembering companies and sending their jobs away. The net result is to shift the pension responsibilities of those companies to the federal Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation while converting the companies’ resources to capital gains for Romney.


So much for his success in the rough and tumble of commerce.

It takes an imagination greater than mine to believe he would help build America or has any idea how.

Phillip J. Davis

West Gardiner

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