When I was growing up, my parents always taught me to be accepting and loving toward everyone.

This is one of the reasons I feel so empowered to vote yes on Question 1 this November.

I was raised Catholic, but I believe that my son should have the same rights that my husband and I do. I feel this is a basic right of treating everyone equal, and that he should freely be able to marry his partner in the state they both grew up in.

My husband and I have come to adore his partner, and he is already part of our family. When our son came out to us, we both knew that he was the same son that we loved the day before.

My husband and I have been married for 30 years, so why shouldn’t our son have that same right?

I believe that love has no gender, Marriage isn’t just between a man and a woman, but between two loving committed individuals.

People didn’t get to vote on my marriage so why should we vote on theirs?

Janet Weeks


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