When I was a little girl, I used to dream about my wedding.

Of course, I also dreamed about joining the Ninja Turtles or saving the rebellion from an imperial probe droid on Hoth like Han Solo.

On summer vacations with my family on Mt. Desert Island, my older sister and I would plan how some day we’d have our weddings on the island, at one of the many gorgeous inns or at the Thuya gardens, or some other fantastic place near the sea.

Seven years ago, I got to live out my dream — the one where I get married. It wasn’t on Mr. Desert Island, but it was equally beautiful and more wonderful than I ever could have imagined.

I married my high-school sweetheart and this year our family got an addition, our now 5-month-old daughter, Evelyn.

My sister was by my side when Evelyn was born. She has always been there for me; she was my bridesmaid, she baked my wedding cake, and she’s never let me down.


In spite of being with her partner for nine years, however, my sister hasn’t been able to live out her dream of a beautiful wedding.

She and her partner are registered as domestic partners, but that only helps them in probate court if one of them dies. We can’t do a champagne toast to that.

I want to be her bridesmaid. I want to be there for her and her partner so that they can stand up in front of our family and friends and declare their commitment to each other.

That’s why I’m voting yes on Question 1.

Helen Ayotte


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