AUGUSTA — Tracy Weber, a Wild Seed Project Seed Fellow, will lead a hands-on workshop in native plant propagation from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, Dec. 7, at Viles Arboretum, 153 Hospital St.

This workshop will focus on ecologically-responsible seed collection and storing procedures, germination techniques, and seedling care. Weber will explain how to set up a home or business outdoor nursery in pots or growing beds. Be prepared to dig your hands deep into the diversity of native seeds. Participants can go home with two pots sown with native seeds.

Wild Seed Project is a Maine-based nonprofit that works to increase the use of native plants in all landscape settings in order to conserve biodiversity, encourage plant adaptation in the face of climate change, safeguard wildlife habitat, and create pollination and migration corridors for insects and birds. The organization sells seeds of locally-grown native plants and educate the public about seed sowing so that a wide range of citizens can participate in increasing native plant populations.

The workshop will cost $25.

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