FARMINGTON — The Mt. Blue Curtain Raisers Improv Comedy Troupe will take the stage at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at Mt. Blue High School.

The group performs their own brand of improv comedy, scenes and games delivered without a script and based on suggestions from the crowd. They perform guessing games such as “Excuses” and “Class Reunion,” where the audience knows just what is going on and it’s up to the Curtain Raisers to figure it out. In scene-based games, such as “Wheel of Death” and “Harold,” a single word or idea provides everything the actors need to get the laughter going.

The group will team up with the Mt. Blue Interact Club to support a community food drive. Admission cost $3, or $1 if a non-perishable food item is brought.

For more information, email

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