A most disturbing situation — a callous attitude of disrespect — has become all too prevalent in our nation. It is experienced by elders of our society, by parents to children and vice versa, by drivers of various vehicles (some with booming radios or resonators on exhausts) plus the common use of obscene gestures.

Sadly, this ridiculing and disrespect often is suffered by people who are physically or mentally challenged.

I know of one such person who resides in this area and who can barely enjoy a right to exist because of the harassment, verbal insult and being ostracized out of public places.

This situation is appalling, particularly when these people do not intend or exhibit any threat or harm to others. Such people may be different from what society considers the norm, but when anyone must express — or even cry — for a “right to exist,” it is time for society’s insulters and mockers to take account of their actions. They should exhibit not only respect and tolerance, but serve as an example to others through their change of attitude.

Anyone who puts down those already short-changed by their deficiencies should thank their lucky stars that they were spared the same fate.

Trudy Overlock

East Vassalboro

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