Fireworks for years were handled by trained professionals and done at a restricted area that was closed to spectators. Therefore, here’s what I have say about the use of fireworks by anyone who wants to buy them:

* Children get badly burned; just read the recent news.

* Some adults do not follow the ordinances in their towns.

* Dogs become very frightened and run off, causing harm to others, themselves or causing accidents.

* Loons are stressed by the sounds.

* Lakes get polluted.


* People are using them off their property.

* Some users are not storing them in safe places or containers; read the news regarding that.

* Many times, there is no consideration for others when using.

In other words, why did Maine decide to allow the sale and use of these devices? Even many fire marshals, police and medical personnel were against it. Can someone explain why this all came about? I suggest that all concerned people ask their town or city officials to speak up and put this law back for review. We shouldn’t just talk about it to one another. We need to get involved and attend any hearing in our areas regarding this activity. Knowledge and common sense go a long way.

Debbie Sherman


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