On Earth Day, I watched a video on PBS. It played a documentary, “Climate Change – the Facts’. It was a BBC documentary hosted by Richard Attenborough.
I know that coronavirus has dominated about all of the media these days. But we have an unsolved problem ahead of us that, if not addressed soon, will do far more damage than COVID-19. Just as the virus became more difficult to get rid of because we refused to act in a timely manner, it will become more difficult, maybe even impossible, to correct.
It is now old news that it’s been shown that there have been vast improvements to our environment in the short time that the shutting down of a large portion of our fossil fuel-burning devices has already made improvements. This proves that if we try to clean our environment, we can.
In the BBC documentary, a clip was shown where methane gas was trapped in permanently frozen ice in Siberia. A man pierced the ice with an ice chisel while an assistant held a flame over the ice. As soon as the ice was punctured an explosion of burning methane few out of the ice.
Methane is 21 times more potent than CO2 relative to atmospheric pollution. And God knows how many millions of tons of methane are trapped in permafrost around the world. As the earth slowly warms, temperatures will reach the point where that methane trapped in the permafrost will be released into our atmosphere. If you want to see this phenomenon, search for videos of ice burning/methane gas. Choose the clip of ice methane gas in Siberia.
There is little time left before climate change creates an environment that will make the earth uninhabitable for humans. It will make coronavirus look like a picnic.
Peter P. Sirois

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