The east-west highway debate goes on. This should become a referendum like all other outlandish topics this state involves itself in.

People who have to pay for vehicle repairs because our roads and bridges are falling apart should vote. They should vote to get rid of the people who even consider spending — or should I say wasting — our money and their time on this ridiculous idea.

I apologize for naming Peter Vigue of Cianbro as the main culprit behind this moneymaking scheme. I am quite sure the rest of his political party is just as guilty of ripping off the Maine people as he is.

Our illustrious governor would rather put millions into the pockets of a few than accept responsibility for anything. This highway creates jobs for a few for a short time. Then the taxpayers maintain it. The taxpayers plow it, sand it, patch it. The police officers have to patrol it. This is all on the taxpayers’ shoulder. Or is Cianbro going to maintain it?

In either case, the Vigue compound will grow and Pittsfield will be renamed Petesfield.

Edwin Y. Morris III


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