In her column, “Welfare reform raised human dignity, and we just tossed best of it aside,” (Morning Sentinel, Aug. 30), Jennifer Marshall claims that “the Department of Health and Human Services issued a new policy gutting welfare reform by claiming the authority to waive work requirement.”

This charge, that President Barack Obama waived the work requirement, has become a Republican talking point. It appears in Mitt Romney’s ads. And in speeches at the GOP convention.

The charge, however, is inaccurate. Not true. Unconditionally and demonstrably not true. In other words: a lie.

The HHS proposal invites states to apply for waivers in order to “consider new, more effective ways to meet the goals of TANF, particularly helping parents successfully prepare for, find, and retain employment.”

Many governors, including Republican ones, have long requested this waiver.

Alison R. Mizner


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