The Maine Legislature is expected to vote this week on whether to enact L.D. 1422, which would mandate standards-based education (SBE) on every school statewide.

SBE includes a move away from traditional grades and grade levels as well as a 1-4 grading scale through high school. Under SBE, students move at their own pace through standards, not grades. Time is a “variable,” therefore, due dates are not relevant.

Is this the best way to prepare our children for the workforce and higher education?

The public hearing on L.D. 1422 went completely under the radar last year, and no opportunity for hearing was provided on a substantive committee amendment issued in February.

This is a controversial bill that will fundamentally change public education in Maine. No other state has passed such a statewide mandate and, if passed, Maine will become a testing ground.

Why pass such a sweeping mandate when school districts may decide for themselves to adopt a standards-based education?


The only guaranteed winners of a statewide mandate are outside education consultants, who will be paid hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars to tell Maine teachers how education must be delivered.

Let’s hope Maine lawmakers have the common sense to reject this bill and allow local districts to decide for themselves.

Kristin Aiello


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