SKOWHEGAN — An oil painting by a Skowhegan mother of two is the 2012 winner of the Maine Duck Stamp contest.

Janine Folsom, 41, said her painting of a pair of ringneck ducks also won a $1,000 cash prize and 20 duck stamps with her painting on them. The award was announced this weekend at the Maine Sportsmen Show at the Augusta Civic Center.

“I was like, oh my gosh and I was holding back the tears,” Folsom said Tuesday. “I’m totally elated about the whole thing.”

Proceeds from the sale of the annual duck stamps and state migratory waterfowl permits are used to finance waterfowl management programs or to acquire waterfowl habitat.

Stamps these days are strictly for collectors and are no longer required for permits in Maine, according to Wendy Bolduc at the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. The contest started in 1984 and was limited to Maine residents in 1988, Bolduc said.

Folsom, who specializes in wildlife oil paintings, began work on the winning painting in February. This year was the first time she had entered the contest.


Artists were allowed to chose their subject from five different types of ducks. There were 10 entries from around state.

Folsom said she is mostly a stay-at-home mother, but substitutes as a cook in Skowhegan-based School Administrative District 54. She and her husband, Todd, have two children, Kelly 11, and Adam, 9.

Doug Harlow — 612-2367

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