I’m convinced that the current political climate is bad for our individual mental and emotional health.

In couple’s therapy, my professional field, we know that the need for one party “to be right” is a losing strategy for that couple. Health for the couple comes when there is mutual giving and gifting on both sides for the sake of the relationship itself.

When each one participates in something larger than either one of them, health can happen.

Where is the concern for the larger good in our political scene today? I find it lacking, as polarized parties demonize each other and fail to serve the common good for our whole society.

In the health care debate, for example, there is little awareness of the situation of the almost 50 million citizens who have no access to such care.

I’m committed to asking candidates for congressional seats this fall how they feel about moving from their own positions when it seems helpful in serving the common good of our society.

Jim Gill, East Winthrop

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