In Kevin MacDonald’s letter (May 11), he suggested that, given Sen. Thomas Saviello’s and my “silence” in regard to Gov. Paul LePage’s remarks, he could only conclude that, “They are on board with LePage’s view of corrupt state employees.”

By extension, he would have to conclude that every legislator who was “silent” in the press, both Democrats and Republicans, was “on board.”

I could find only seven legislators who had comments published, four Republicans (Sens. David Hastings and Roger Katz and Reps. Pat Flood and Kenneth Fredette) and three Democrats (Sen. Dawn Hill and Reps. Emily Cain and Sharon Treat). Leaping to the conclusion that the other 179 legislators agreed with the governor would be as wrong as MacDonald’s initial conclusion.

What LePage said was wrong, pure and simple. It was demoralizing to state employees at all levels. When I first learned of the comments, I met with Katz, Flood and others to discuss the best way to respond. We drafted a statement to be released only after we had a face-to-face meeting with the governor. When reporters asked them for comments before a meeting with the governor was scheduled, they honored my request not to release any statement on my behalf until I had met with him.

I met with LePage a week after Katz and Flood made their comments. I told him that during my 28 years of service in Maine state government, I found that the vast majority of state employees were good, hardworking people for whom I have nothing but the highest regard. I believe that he understood my position.

I urge anyone with questions to contact their legislators before reaching the wrong conclusion about what their legislator is or is not doing.

Rep. Dennis L. Keschl


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