MADISON — Members of The American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 39, held a “Drive Thru Sock Hop” Feb. 27 to the beat of 50’s and 60’s music.

American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 39 of Madison Sock Hop collection box. Contributed photo

With collection boxes, monetary donations and socks donated the day of the event, the legion received 1,289 pairs of socks. The auxiliary well exceeded its goal of 100 pairs for the “100 Challenge,” meant to bring awareness of the American Legion Auxiliary’s 100th Birthday.

These socks will be distributed to homeless veterans, homeless shelters and others in need.

American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 39 of Madison members, from left, are Diane Pinkham, Harriet Bryant and Tiara Nile. Contributed photo

To learn more about the auxiliary’s mission or to volunteer, donate or join, visit, or contact Robin Turek, president, American Legion Auxiliary Tardiff-Belanger Unit 39, P.O. Box 325, Madison, ME 04950, or 207-696-8289.


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