Does America have a future? We sure do!

After reading so much bad news, along comes Helen Call’s Maine Compass about respect for our veterans’ sacrifice (June 7). Wow! What an articulate, well-written and reasoned opinion, not by a seasoned journalist, but by a high school senior.

An opinion she put forward, even though she probably was risking some jeers by peers.

But Call nailed the essence of Memorial Day, the things we should be thinking about beyond the “holiday,” barbecue and how reverently we should observe the sacrifices of our veterans, living and dead.

We hear about low high school test scores, how many fail to learn the basics and how teachers may not be up to the task. Call’s Compass shows us all that good teaching is out there, just as there are good students learning to write, to reason, to be patriotic and stand up to peer pressure.

There are many more Helen Calls among our youth; they’re out there and will continue to create a bright future for America. As one of them, she made America a stronger place with her words.

Ron Lovaglio


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