CHELSEA — Angel Vaillancourt disputes claims that her five dogs disturb the neighborhood, since they wear electronic collars that give off an electrical shock when they bark.

Nevertheless, the town is suing the 28-year-old Sylvester Avenue woman who owns a beagle, a boxer and three daschunds.

“The town is taking her to court under its animal control ordinance for barking dogs,” said Town Manager Scott Tilton. “She has dogs that bark constantly.”

The town’s animal control officer, Christopher Martinez, said neighbors who live directly behind Vaillancourt on Hallowell Road have complained about the noise.

“The dogs are exhibiting uncontrollable barking in the neighborhood,” Martinez said. “The neighbors actually got together with me and gave some statements regarding the situation and I served her a summons.”

Vaillancourt disputes the noise concerns.


“If they bark, they get zapped, which pretty much trains them not to bark. They’ve had them on for three years,” Vaillancourt said. “Out of 16 houses in this neighborhood, there are 28 dogs. There are a lot of dogs barking and I’m getting blamed because I own the most.”

The court date is set for July 3 in Augusta District Court and she faces a fine of up to $2,500.

Vaillancourt’s dogs are tied up for the most part, Martinez said, but on occasion they have gotten loose. He has seen them running at large and there was an incident when one of the dogs attacked a neighbor’s chickens.

Vaillancourt said the chickens come into her yard.

“They won’t stay off our lawn,” she said. “So (the neighbors) retaliate with the barking dog thing. We called animal control on them in March. Their dog barked for six hours one night and my six-year-old daughter got woken up. We couldn’t sleep.”

She said neighbors have complained that her dogs bark all hours of the night and when her husband leaves for work in the morning.


Vaillancourt said she may hire an attorney to represent her in the case.

Town Attorney Stephen Langsdorf will represent Chelsea.

Mechele Cooper — 621-5663

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