Chris McDougall and his rescue donkey Sherman regularly run with a group of two other runners and two donkeys among the Amish farms in rural Pennsylvania. Matt Roth photo

AUBURN — Best-selling author Christopher McDougall is to join Auburn Public Library from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 10 via Zoom to share favorite parts of his book “Running with Sherman.”

When McDougall agreed to take in a donkey, Sherman, from an animal hoarder, he thought it would be no harder than the rest of the adjustments he and his family had made after moving from Philadelphia to the heart of Pennsylvania Amish country, according to a news release. But when Sherman arrived, he was so sick he could barely move.

McDougall decided to undertake a radical rehabilitation program designed not only to heal Sherman’s body but his mind as well. The best way to soothe a donkey is to give it a job, he thought, so he decided to teach Sherman to run.

He’d heard about burro racing — a unique type of race where humans and donkeys run together in a call-back to mining days — and decided he and Sherman would enter the World Championship in Colorado. Learn more at

McDougall will read some excerpts, after which there will be some time for a brief Q&A.

To register, go to and click on Events at the top of the page; contact the reference desk at 207-333-6640, ext. 4; or email

This program is part of the library’s adult summer reading program, “Tales with Tails” which runs through Aug. 31. The final program of this summer’s series will be a virtual visit with Misfits Rehab, a local wildlife rehabilitator, on Aug. 24. More details about this and other programs planned for the fall can be found on the website, on Facebook (Auburn Public Library Advocates), or via email inquiry.

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